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Asynchronous I/O that doesn’t get in your way, written in D

runTask - multiple declarations

Function runTask

Runs a new asynchronous task.

Task runTask(ARGS...) (
  nothrow @safe void delegate(ARGS) task,
  auto ref ARGS args

task will be called synchronously from within the vibeRunTask call. It will continue to run until vibeYield() or any of the I/O or wait functions is called.

Note that the maximum size of all args must not exceed maxTaskParameterSize.

Function runTask

Task runTask(ARGS...) (
  nothrow @system void delegate(ARGS) task,
  auto ref ARGS args
) @system;

Function runTask

Task runTask(CALLABLE, ARGS...) (
  CALLABLE task,
  auto ref ARGS args
if (!is(CALLABLE : void delegate(ARGS)) && isNothrowCallable!(CALLABLE, ARGS));

Function runTask

Task runTask(ARGS...) (
  TaskSettings settings,
  nothrow @safe void delegate(ARGS) task,
  auto ref ARGS args

Function runTask

Task runTask(ARGS...) (
  TaskSettings settings,
  nothrow @system void delegate(ARGS) task,
  auto ref ARGS args
) @system;

Function runTask

Task runTask(CALLABLE, ARGS...) (
  TaskSettings settings,
  CALLABLE task,
  auto ref ARGS args
if (!is(CALLABLE : void delegate(ARGS)) && isNothrowCallable!(CALLABLE, ARGS));

Sönke Ludwig


© 2012-2020 Sönke Ludwig


Subject to the terms of the MIT license, as written in the included LICENSE.txt file.