Function redirect
Redirects to the given URL.
void redirect
string url,
int status = 302
) @safe;
void redirect
URL url,
int status = 302
) @safe;
The URL may either be a full URL, including the protocol and server portion, or it may be the local part of the URI (the path and an optional query string). Finally, it may also be a relative path that is combined with the path of the current request to yield an absolute path.
Note that this may only be called from a function/method registered using registerWebInterface.
import vibe .data .json : Json;
class WebService {
// POST /item
void postItem() {
void run()
auto router = new URLRouter;
router .registerWebInterface(new WebService);
auto settings = new HTTPServerSettings;
settings .port = 8080;
listenHTTP(settings, router);