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Module vibe.db.mongo.collection

MongoCollection class


deprecatedSince(v) UDA to warn when a nullable field is set and the server wire version matches the given version. (inclusive)
enforceWireVersionConstraints(field, serverVersion, file, line) Unsets nullable fields not matching the server version as defined per UDAs.
errorBefore(v) UDA to throw a MongoException when a nullable field is set and the server wire version doesn't match the version. (inclusive)
since(v) UDA to unset a nullable field if the server wire version doesn't at least match the given version. (inclusive)
until(v) UDA to unset a nullable field if the server wire version is newer than the given version. (inclusive)


Collation Collation allows users to specify language-specific rules for string comparison, such as rules for letter-case and accent marks.
DeprecatedSinceWireVersion UDA to warn when a nullable field is set and the server wire version matches the given version. (inclusive)
ErrorBeforeWireVersion UDA to throw a MongoException when a nullable field is set and the server wire version doesn't match the version. (inclusive)
MaxWireVersion UDA to unset a nullable field if the server wire version is newer than the given version. (inclusive)
MinWireVersion UDA to unset a nullable field if the server wire version doesn't at least match the given version. (inclusive)
MongoCollection Represents a single collection inside a MongoDB.
ReadConcern Specifies a level of isolation for read operations. For example, you can use read concern to only read data that has propagated to a majority of nodes in a replica set.

Sönke Ludwig


© 2012-2016 Sönke Ludwig


Subject to the terms of the MIT license, as written in the included LICENSE.txt file.