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Asynchronous I/O that doesn’t get in your way, written in D

ChunkedOutputStream.write - multiple declarations

Function ChunkedOutputStream.write

Writes an array of bytes to the stream.

override ulong write (
  scope const(ubyte)[] bytes_,
  IOMode mode
) @safe;

final abstract void write (
  scope const(ubyte)[] bytes
) @safe;

final abstract void write (
  scope const(char)[] bytes
) @safe;

Function ChunkedOutputStream.write

Writes an array of bytes to the stream.

override ulong write (
  scope const(ubyte)[] bytes_,
  IOMode mode
) @safe;

final abstract void write (
  scope const(ubyte)[] bytes
) @safe;

final abstract void write (
  scope const(char)[] bytes
) @safe;

Alias ChunkedOutputStream.write

class ChunkedOutputStream
  // ...
  alias write = OutputStream.write;
  // ...

Sönke Ludwig, Jan Krüger


© 2012-2015 Sönke Ludwig


Subject to the terms of the MIT license, as written in the included LICENSE.txt file.