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OpenSSLContext - multiple declarations

Class OpenSSLContext

Encapsulates the configuration for an SSL tunnel.

class OpenSSLContext
  : TLSContext ;

Note that when creating an SSLContext with SSLContextKind.client, the peerValidationMode will be set to SSLPeerValidationMode.trustedCert, but no trusted certificate authorities are added by default. Use useTrustedCertificateFile to add those.


this (kind, ver)


alpnCallback[set] @safe string delegate(string[])Callback function invoked by server to choose alpn
alpnCallback[get] @safe string delegate(string[])Get the current ALPN callback function
kind[get] TLSContextKindThe kind of SSL context (client/server)
maxCertChainLength[get, set] intThe maximum length of an accepted certificate chain.
peerValidationCallback[get, set] @safe bool delegate(scope TLSPeerValidationData)An optional user callback for peer validation.
peerValidationMode[get, set] TLSPeerValidationModeSpecifies the validation level of remote peers.
sniCallback[get, set] @safe TLSContext delegate(string)The callback used to associcate host names with TLS certificates/contexts.


createStream (underlying, state, peer_name, peer_address)
setCipherList (list) Set the list of cipher specifications to use for SSL/TLS tunnels.
setClientALPN (alpn_list) Invoked by client to offer alpn
setDHParams (pem_file) Set params to use for DH cipher.
setECDHCurve (curve) Set the elliptic curve to use for ECDH cipher.
useCertificateChainFile (path) Sets a certificate file to use for authenticating to the remote peer
usePrivateKeyFile (path) Sets the private key to use for authenticating to the remote peer based on the configured certificate chain file.
useTrustedCertificateFile (path) Sets the list of trusted certificates for verifying peer certificates.
createStream (underlying, state, peer_name, peer_address) Creates a new stream associated to this context.
setCipherList (list) Set the list of cipher specifications to use for TLS tunnels.
setDHParams (pem_file) Set params to use for DH cipher.
setECDHCurve (curve) Set the elliptic curve to use for ECDH cipher.
useCertificateChainFile (path) Sets a certificate file to use for authenticating to the remote peer
usePrivateKeyFile (path) Sets the private key to use for authenticating to the remote peer based on the configured certificate chain file.
useTrustedCertificateFile (path) Sets the list of trusted certificates for verifying peer certificates.

Class OpenSSLContext

Encapsulates the configuration for an SSL tunnel.

class OpenSSLContext
  : TLSContext ;

Note that when creating an SSLContext with SSLContextKind.client, the peerValidationMode will be set to SSLPeerValidationMode.trustedCert, but no trusted certificate authorities are added by default. Use useTrustedCertificateFile to add those.


this (kind, ver)


alpnCallback[set] @safe string delegate(string[])Callback function invoked by server to choose alpn
alpnCallback[get] @safe string delegate(string[])Get the current ALPN callback function
kind[get] TLSContextKindThe kind of SSL context (client/server)
maxCertChainLength[get, set] intThe maximum length of an accepted certificate chain.
peerValidationCallback[get, set] @safe bool delegate(scope TLSPeerValidationData)An optional user callback for peer validation.
peerValidationMode[get, set] TLSPeerValidationModeSpecifies the validation level of remote peers.
sniCallback[get, set] @safe TLSContext delegate(string)The callback used to associcate host names with TLS certificates/contexts.


createStream (underlying, state, peer_name, peer_address)
setCipherList (list) Set the list of cipher specifications to use for SSL/TLS tunnels.
setClientALPN (alpn_list) Invoked by client to offer alpn
setDHParams (pem_file) Set params to use for DH cipher.
setECDHCurve (curve) Set the elliptic curve to use for ECDH cipher.
useCertificateChainFile (path) Sets a certificate file to use for authenticating to the remote peer
usePrivateKeyFile (path) Sets the private key to use for authenticating to the remote peer based on the configured certificate chain file.
useTrustedCertificateFile (path) Sets the list of trusted certificates for verifying peer certificates.
createStream (underlying, state, peer_name, peer_address) Creates a new stream associated to this context.
setCipherList (list) Set the list of cipher specifications to use for TLS tunnels.
setDHParams (pem_file) Set params to use for DH cipher.
setECDHCurve (curve) Set the elliptic curve to use for ECDH cipher.
useCertificateChainFile (path) Sets a certificate file to use for authenticating to the remote peer
usePrivateKeyFile (path) Sets the private key to use for authenticating to the remote peer based on the configured certificate chain file.
useTrustedCertificateFile (path) Sets the list of trusted certificates for verifying peer certificates.

Sönke Ludwig


© 2012-2014 RejectedSoftware e.K.


Subject to the terms of the MIT license, as written in the included LICENSE.txt file.