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Asynchronous I/O that doesn’t get in your way, written in D

Module vibe.http.server

A HTTP 1.1/1.0 server implementation.


createTestHTTPServerRequest(url, method, data) Creates a HTTPServerRequest suitable for writing unit tests.
createTestHTTPServerResponse(data_sink, session_store) Creates a HTTPServerResponse suitable for writing unit tests.
handleHTTPConnection(connection, context) Treats an existing connection as an HTTP connection and processes incoming requests.
listenHTTP(_settings, request_handler) Starts a HTTP server listening on the specified port.
listenHTTP(settings, request_handler) Scheduled for deprecation - use a @safe callback instead.
render(res) Renders the given Diet template and makes all ALIASES available to the template.
setVibeDistHost(host, port) Sets a VibeDist host to register with.
staticRedirect(url, status) Provides a HTTP request handler that responds with a static redirection to the specified URL.
staticTemplate() Provides a HTTP request handler that responds with a static Diet template.


HTTPServerRequestHandler Interface for class based request handlers
HTTPServerRequestHandlerS Interface for class based request handlers with scoped parameters


HTTPServerContext Represents a single HTTP server port.
HTTPServerErrorInfo Aggregates all information about an HTTP error status.
HTTPServerRequest Represents a HTTP request as received by the server side.
HTTPServerResponse Represents a HTTP response as sent from the server side.
HTTPServerSettings Contains all settings for configuring a basic HTTP server.


DefaultDietFilters Provides the default css, javascript, markdown and htmlescape filters
HTTPListener Represents the request listener for a specific listenHTTP call.
HTTPServerOption Specifies optional features of the HTTP server.


SessionOption Options altering how sessions are created.


HTTPServerErrorPageHandler @safe void delegate(HTTPServerRequest, HTTPServerResponse, HTTPServerErrorInfo) Delegate type used for user defined error page generator callbacks.
HTTPServerRequestDelegate @safe void delegate(HTTPServerRequest, HTTPServerResponse) Delegate based request handler
HTTPServerRequestDelegateS @safe void delegate(scope HTTPServerRequest, HTTPServerResponse) Delegate based request handler with scoped parameters
HTTPServerRequestFunction @safe void function(HTTPServerRequest, HTTPServerResponse) Static function based request handler
HTTPServerRequestFunctionS @safe void function(scope HTTPServerRequest, HTTPServerResponse) Static function based request handler with scoped parameters
UncaughtException Throwable

Sönke Ludwig, Jan Krüger, Ilya Shipunov


© 2012-2017 RejectedSoftware e.K.


Subject to the terms of the MIT license, as written in the included LICENSE.txt file.