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HTTPServerSettings.errorPageHandler - multiple declarations

Function HTTPServerSettings.errorPageHandler

Sets a custom handler for displaying error pages for HTTP errors

@safe void delegate(HTTPServerRequest, HTTPServerResponse, HTTPServerErrorInfo) errorPageHandler() @property @safe;

void errorPageHandler (
  @safe void delegate(HTTPServerRequest, HTTPServerResponse, HTTPServerErrorInfo) del
) @property @safe;

Function HTTPServerSettings.errorPageHandler

Scheduled for deprecation - use a @safe callback instead.

void errorPageHandler (
  void delegate(HTTPServerRequest, HTTPServerResponse, HTTPServerErrorInfo) del
) @property;

Sönke Ludwig, Jan Krüger, Ilya Shipunov


© 2012-2017 RejectedSoftware e.K.


Subject to the terms of the MIT license, as written in the included LICENSE.txt file.