API documentation
Module | Description |
diet.defs | Contains common types and constants. |
diet.dom | Types to represent the DOM tree. |
diet.html | HTML output generator implementation. |
diet.input | Contains common definitions and logic to collect input dependencies. |
diet.parser | Generic Diet format parser. |
diet.traits | Definitions to support customization of the Diet compilation process. |
eventcore.core | |
eventcore.driver | Definition of the core event driver interface. |
eventcore.socket | |
taggedalgebraic.taggedalgebraic | Algebraic data type implementation based on a tagged union. |
taggedalgebraic.taggedunion | Generic tagged union and algebraic data type implementations. |
vibe.core.internal.release | |
vibe.core.args | Parses and allows querying the command line arguments and configuration file. |
vibe.core.channel | Implements a thread-safe, typed producer-consumer queue. |
vibe.core.concurrency | Functions and structures for dealing with threads and concurrent access. |
vibe.core.connectionpool | Generic connection pool for reusing persistent connections across fibers. |
vibe.core.core | This module contains the core functionality of the vibe.d framework. |
vibe.core.file | File handling functions and types. |
vibe.core.log | Central logging facility for vibe. |
vibe.core.net | TCP/UDP connection and server handling. |
vibe.core.path | Contains routines for high level path handling. |
vibe.core.process | Functions and structures for dealing with subprocesses and pipes. |
vibe.core.stream | Generic stream interface used by several stream-like classes. |
vibe.core.sync | Event loop compatible task synchronization facilities. |
vibe.core.task | Contains interfaces and enums for evented I/O drivers. |
vibe.core.taskpool | Multi-threaded task pool implementation. |
vibe.crypto.cryptorand | Implements cryptographically secure random number generators. |
vibe.crypto.passwordhash | Password hashing routines |
vibe.data.bson | BSON serialization and value handling. |
vibe.data.json | JSON serialization and value handling. |
vibe.data.serialization | Generic serialization framework. |
vibe.db.mongo.client | MongoClient class doing connection management. Usually this is a main entry point for client code. |
vibe.db.mongo.collection | MongoCollection class |
vibe.db.mongo.connection | Low level mongodb protocol. |
vibe.db.mongo.cursor | MongoDB cursor abstraction |
vibe.db.mongo.database | MongoDatabase class representing common database for group of collections. |
vibe.db.mongo.flags | MongoDB operation flag definitions. |
vibe.db.mongo.mongo | MongoDB and MongoCollection classes and connections. |
vibe.db.mongo.sasl | SASL authentication functions |
vibe.db.mongo.sessionstore | MongoDB based HTTP session store. |
vibe.db.mongo.settings | MongoDB client connection settings. |
vibe.db.redis.idioms | Type safe implementations of common Redis storage idioms. |
vibe.db.redis.redis | Redis database client implementation. |
vibe.db.redis.sessionstore | |
vibe.db.redis.types | Convenience wrappers types for accessing Redis keys. |
vibe.http.auth.basic_auth | Implements HTTP Basic Auth. |
vibe.http.auth.digest_auth | Implements HTTP Digest Authentication. |
vibe.http.internal.basic_auth_client | Implements HTTP Basic Auth for client. |
vibe.http.client | A simple HTTP/1.1 client implementation. |
vibe.http.common | Common classes for HTTP clients and servers. |
vibe.http.dist | Interface for the VibeDist load balancer |
vibe.http.fileserver | A static HTTP file server. |
vibe.http.form | Convenience functions for working with web forms. |
vibe.http.log | A HTTP 1.1/1.0 server implementation. |
vibe.http.proxy | HTTP (reverse) proxy implementation |
vibe.http.router | Pattern based URL router for HTTP request. |
vibe.http.server | A HTTP 1.1/1.0 server implementation. |
vibe.http.session | Cookie based session support. |
vibe.http.status | List of all standard HTTP status codes. |
vibe.http.websockets | Implements WebSocket support and fallbacks for older browsers. |
vibe.inet.message | Internet message handling according to RFC822/RFC5322 |
vibe.inet.mimetypes | Maps file name extensions to standard mime types. |
vibe.inet.path |
Compatibility module - use vibe instead.
vibe.inet.url | URL parsing routines. |
vibe.inet.urltransfer | Downloading and uploading of data from/to URLs. |
vibe.inet.webform | Contains HTML/urlencoded form parsing and construction routines. |
vibe.mail.smtp | SMTP client implementation |
vibe.stream.base64 | Base64 encoding routines |
vibe.stream.botan | Botan TLS implementation |
vibe.stream.counting | Wrapper streams which count the number of bytes or limit the stream based on the number of transferred bytes. |
vibe.stream.memory | In-memory streams |
vibe.stream.multicast | Multicasts an input stream to multiple output streams. |
vibe.stream.openssl | OpenSSL based SSL/TLS stream implementation |
vibe.stream.operations | High level stream manipulation functions. |
vibe.stream.stdio | Standard I/O streams |
vibe.stream.taskpipe | Stream interface for passing data between different tasks. |
vibe.stream.tls | TLS stream implementation |
vibe.stream.wrapper | Stream proxy and wrapper facilities. |
vibe.stream.zlib | Zlib input/output streams |
vibe.textfilter.html | HTML character entity escaping. |
vibe.textfilter.markdown | Markdown parser implementation |
vibe.textfilter.urlencode | URL-encoding implementation |
vibe.utils.array | Utility functions for array processing |
vibe.utils.dictionarylist | Defines a string based multi-map with conserved insertion order. |
vibe.utils.hashmap | Internal hash map implementation. |
vibe.utils.memory | Utility functions for memory management |
vibe.utils.string | Utility functions for string processing |
vibe.utils.validation | String input validation routines |
vibe.web.auth | Authentication and authorization framework based on fine-grained roles. |
vibe.web.common | Contains common functionality for the REST and WEB interface generators. |
vibe.web.i18n | Internationalization/translation support for the web interface module. |
vibe.web.rest | Automatic high-level RESTful client/server interface generation facilities. |
vibe.web.validation | Parameter validation types transparently supported for web interface methods. |
vibe.web.web | Implements a declarative framework for building web interfaces. |
vibe.d | Provides the vibe.d API and a default main() function for the application. |
vibe.vibe | Provides the full vibe.d API as a single import module. |
openssl_version | |
taggedalgebraic |