Function Bson.opIndexAssign
Allows accessing fields of a BSON object using []
void opIndexAssign(T)
in T value,
string idx
Returns a null value if the specified field does not exist.
Bson value = Bson .emptyObject;
value["a"] = 1;
value["b"] = true;
value["c"] = "foo";
assert(value["a"] == Bson(1));
assert(value["b"] == Bson(true));
assert(value["c"] == Bson("foo"));
auto srcUuid = UUID("00010203-0405-0607-0809-0a0b0c0d0e0f");
Bson b = srcUuid;
auto u = b .get!UUID();
assert(b .type == Bson .Type .binData);
assert(b .get!BsonBinData() .type == BsonBinData .Type .uuid);
assert(u == srcUuid);