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HTTPServerResponse.writeBody - multiple declarations

Function HTTPServerResponse.writeBody

Writes the entire response body at once.

void writeBody (
  in const(ubyte[]) data,
  string content_type = null
) scope scope @safe;

void writeBody (
  in const(ubyte[]) data,
  int status,
  string content_type = null
) scope scope @safe;

void writeBody (
  scope InputStream data,
  string content_type = null
) scope scope @safe;


data The data to write as the body contents
status Optional response status code to set
content_type Optional content type to apply to the response. If no content type is given and no "Content-Type" header is set in the response, this will default to "application/octet-stream".

See Also


Function HTTPServerResponse.writeBody

Writes the entire response body as a single string.

void writeBody (
  string data,
  string content_type = null
) scope scope @safe;

void writeBody (
  string data,
  int status,
  string content_type = null
) scope scope @safe;


data The string to write as the body contents
status Optional response status code to set
content_type Optional content type to apply to the response. If no content type is given and no "Content-Type" header is set in the response, this will default to "text/plain; charset=UTF-8".

See Also

HTTPStatusCode ditto


Sönke Ludwig, Jan Krüger, Ilya Shipunov


© 2012-2017 Sönke Ludwig


Subject to the terms of the MIT license, as written in the included LICENSE.txt file.