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performBasicAuth - multiple declarations

Function performBasicAuth

Returns a request handler that enforces request to be authenticated using HTTP Basic Auth.

@safe void delegate(scope HTTPServerRequest, HTTPServerResponse) performBasicAuth (
  string realm,
  @safe bool delegate(string, string) pwcheck
) @safe;

Function performBasicAuth

Scheduled for deprecation - use a @safe callback instead.

@safe void delegate(scope HTTPServerRequest, HTTPServerResponse) performBasicAuth (
  string realm,
  bool delegate(string, string) pwcheck

Function performBasicAuth

Enforces HTTP Basic Auth authentication on the given req/res pair.

string performBasicAuth (
  scope HTTPServerRequest req,
  scope HTTPServerResponse res,
  string realm,
  scope @safe bool delegate(string, string) pwcheck
) @safe;


req Request object that is to be checked
res Response object that will be used for authentication errors
realm HTTP Basic Auth realm reported to the client
pwcheck A delegate queried for validating user/password pairs


Returns the name of the authenticated user.


Throws a HTTPStatusExeption in case of an authentication failure.

Function performBasicAuth

Scheduled for deprecation - use a @safe callback instead.

string performBasicAuth (
  scope HTTPServerRequest req,
  scope HTTPServerResponse res,
  string realm,
  scope bool delegate(string, string) pwcheck

Sönke Ludwig


© 2012 Sönke Ludwig


Subject to the terms of the MIT license, as written in the included LICENSE.txt file.