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MongoCollection.findOne - multiple declarations

Function MongoCollection.findOne

auto findOne(R, T, U) (
  T query,
  U returnFieldSelector,
  QueryFlags flags

Function MongoCollection.findOne

Queries the collection for existing documents.

auto findOne(R, T, U) (
  T query,
  U projection,
  FindOptions options = FindOptions.init
if (!is(U == FindOptions));


By default, a Bson value of the matching document is returned, or Bson(null) when no document matched. For types R that are not Bson, the returned value is either of type R, or of type , if R is not a reference/pointer type.

The projection parameter limits what fields are returned by the database, see projection documentation linked below.


Exception if a DB communication error or a query error occurred.

See Also

- Querying: - Projection: - find


import vibe.db.mongo.mongo;

void test()
	auto coll = connectMongoDB("").getCollection("test");
	// find documents with status == "A"
	auto x = coll.findOne(["status": "A"], ["status": true, "otherField": true]);
	// x now only contains _id (implicit, unless you make it `false`), status and otherField

Function MongoCollection.findOne

Queries the collection for existing documents.

auto findOne(R, T) (
  T query,
  FindOptions options = FindOptions.init


By default, a Bson value of the matching document is returned, or Bson(null) when no document matched. For types R that are not Bson, the returned value is either of type R, or of type , if R is not a reference/pointer type.


Exception if a DB communication error or a query error occurred.

See Also

- - find


Sönke Ludwig


© 2012-2016 Sönke Ludwig


Subject to the terms of the MIT license, as written in the included LICENSE.txt file.