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Module vibe.inet.message

Internet message handling according to RFC822/RFC5322


decodeEmailAddressHeader(header, name, address) Decodes a From/To header value as it appears in emails.
decodeEncodedWords(encoded) Decodes a string in encoded-word form.
decodeMessage(message_body, content_transfer_encoding) Decodes a message body according to the specified content transfer encoding ("Content-Transfer-Encoding" header).
getRFC822TimeZoneOffset(time) Returns the offset of the given time from UTC in minutes.
parseRFC5322Header(input, dst, max_line_length) Parses an internet header according to RFC5322 (with RFC822 compatibility).
toRFC822DateString(time) Returns the RFC-822/5322 date string representation of the given time.
toRFC822DateTimeString(time) Returns the RFC-822 date+time string representation of the given time.
toRFC822TimeString(time) Returns the RFC-822 time string representation of the given time.
writeRFC822DateString(dst, time) Writes an RFC-822/5322 date string to the given output range.
writeRFC822DateTimeString(dst, time) Writes an RFC-822 date+time string to the given output range.
writeRFC822TimeString(dst, time) Writes an RFC-822 time string to the given output range.


QuotedPrintable Performs quoted-printable decoding.


InetHeaderMap DictionaryList!(string,false,12L,false) Behaves similar to string[string] but case does not matter for the key, the insertion order is not changed and multiple values per key are supported.
parseRFC822DateTimeString parseRFC822DateTime Parses a date+time string according to RFC-822/5322.

Sönke Ludwig


© 2012-2014 Sönke Ludwig


Subject to the terms of the MIT license, as written in the included LICENSE.txt file.